ALLS Module 1 – Core Competencies

Imparted by: Leadership Empowerment Group

Effective Communication Skills – May 29

In today’s fast-paced work environment, effective communication is key for success. This session will explore various communication styles, active listening techniques, and strategies for conveying ideas clearly and concisely. Participants will learn how to build rapport, resolve conflicts diplomatically, and communicate assertively to enhance productivity and foster positive relationships in the workplace.

Time Management and Prioritization – June 26

Juggling multiple tasks and deadlines is a common challenge for administrative professionals. This session will focus on practical techniques for managing time effectively and prioritizing tasks to maximize productivity. Participants will learn how to identify and eliminate time-wasting activities, set SMART goals, and utilize tools such as to-do lists and calendars to stay organized and focused amidst competing demands.

Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Building – July 31

Emotional intelligence (EI) plays a crucial role in professional success, particularly in roles that require frequent interactions with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. This session will explore the core components of EI, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. Participants will learn how to recognize and manage their own emotions, navigate interpersonal dynamics with empathy and tact, and build strong, mutually beneficial relationships that contribute to a positive work environment.

Stress Management and Work-Life Balance – August 28

Narrative: Balancing work responsibilities with personal commitments can be challenging, leading to increased stress and burnout. This session will explore effective strategies for managing stress, maintaining boundaries, and achieving a healthy work-life balance. Participants will learn practical techniques for reducing stress levels, prioritizing self-care, and establishing boundaries to prevent burnout, ultimately enhancing their well-being and job satisfaction.

ALLS Module 2 – Peak Performance

Imparted by: UTRGV

Operations Management – September 25

Operations management involves overseeing the processes, resources, and systems that an organization utilizes to produce and deliver goods and services. It encompasses strategic planning, resource allocation, process optimization, quality control, and logistics management to ensure efficient and effective operations. This discipline aims to streamline workflows, minimize costs, maximize productivity, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.

Office Skills – October 30

Office skills refer to the essential competencies required to efficiently manage administrative tasks and operations within a professional office environment. This includes proficiency in using office software such as word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software, as well as organizational skills, time management, communication abilities, and customer service expertise. Strong office skills are crucial for maintaining productivity, facilitating teamwork, and ensuring smooth day-to-day operations in any workplace setting.

Making Presentations – November 20

Making presentations involves the art of delivering information, ideas, or proposals to an audience in a clear, engaging, and impactful manner. This skill encompasses various elements such as structuring content effectively, creating visually appealing slides, delivering confident and persuasive verbal communication, and engaging with the audience through effective storytelling and interactive techniques. Effective presentation skills are essential in professional settings for conveying messages, influencing decision-making, and fostering connections with stakeholders, clients, or colleagues.