In Colombia, South America, the mother country of Martha Garza, McAllen’s Breadsmith franchise owner, it’s customary to sit daily with friends or family and partake of a cup of tea and some form of bread. She followed her country’s custom by being a long time client of Breadsmith’s delectable goodies. When the opportunity to acquire the business became available, she jumped at the chance.
“Though I was already retired, I got the feeling I had to go for it,” Garza said. “I went through two weeks of intensive training at the corporate headquarters, learning to bake every single item we make just in case the baker misses a shift,” Garza said.
It’s a good thing she was prepared, because she was baking her heart out one night at 11:00 p.m. when the baker didn’t appear as scheduled. Perhaps her willingness to jump into the process was simply because she had fallen in love.
“A friend told me from the start, when I was still questioning my decision, that I had to really love the business,” Garza relayed. “Asking God to help me, I began to really love it, and everything changed. Now each day I look forward to coming to work.”
Adding local cultural items to the menu through the Breadsmith process, Garza raised her production levels to ensure leftovers.
“We’ll give our extras to the colonias and there’s an orphanage we’ll send some food to also.”
Using the finest ingredients with no preservatives or additives, cooking in a stone oven, and baking everything fresh, Garza hopes her bread gives customers the same joy while they revel in her delicious food as she felt when living in Colombia, sitting with family and friends. Adding a wholesale business providing restaurants with her one-of-a-kind breads has helped the business to continue grow along with her list of loyal retail customers.
“I thank God every day for my beautiful family and my business,” she smiled. “Without Him I have nothing. Because of Him my business soars. I have an awesome team and together we all make this work.”