Business Name
Circles of Care
Owner Name or Names
Lisa Edwards, founder & president.
Business Location
McAllen, TX but we service the entire Rio Grande Valley.
What motivated you to start this business?
A great need to help the most vulnerable population: children.
What is the history of your business?
Circles of Care was founded in 1999 with a vision to provide excellence in family and youth services. The mission is to enhance children, youth and families for effective living and growth through comprehensive social and mental health services.

What product/special services do you offer?
Child placement services, foster care and adoptions.
What makes your business product/service standout from the rest?
Circles of Care McAllen stands out a great deal because of our dedicated staff and foster parents. The work done by a child placing agency is a labor of love, one must be dedicated and have the desire to help others. The staff at COC is devoted and works very well as a team. The foster families, past and present, associated with COC are by far some of the best. We would not be able to fulfill this mission without this community.

Are you involved in any initiatives that give back to the community? If so, please elaborate.
Because we are a social service and mental health agency, we provide support to the community through our services.