These funds will support training in the computer system, healthcare, and manufacturing industries, greatly assisting students in these fields of study at South Texas College.
A total of three grant checks will be presented to the college including a Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant totaling $249,096, a Skills Development Fund (SDF) Manufacturing grant of $409,890, and a Skills Development Fund (SDF) Healthcare grant of $655,153. $315,679 of the Healthcare grant will be for STC to provide job-training opportunities and the remaining portion will go to grant partners for training in their areas of the state.
Grant partners involved in the SDF Healthcare grant include United Health Systems and two colleges, Southwest Texas Junior College and Laredo College. The SDF Manufacturing grant business partners are Wood Crafters Home Products and TST NA Trim, LLC. The Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant will benefit South Texas College students by providing equipment for the Computer Information Technology Program.
Mario Reyna, Dean of Business, Public Safety, and Technology at STC says the JET grant will provide students with access to state-of-the-art equipment during instruction that prepares them for future careers.
“This grant will help us get the word out to our community that there are great jobs in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, and the U.S. right now that pay exceptionally well,” said Reyna. “The skills required for these positions can only be learned in a formal setting.”
Director for Grant Development, Management, and Compliance at STC, Dr. Virginia Champion, says the three grants by TWC will also benefit the region.
“These grants will contribute toward the development of a strong economy in the region and serve as a catalyst to continue to strengthen and expand partnerships with employers by providing the funding for job-training and resources,” said Champion.
Texas Workforce Commissioner Chair, Ruth R. Hughs will present the checks to the college.
Who: South Texas College and Texas Workforce Commission
What: Check presentation
When: Friday, Jan. 11 | 10 a.m.
Where: STC’s Pecan Campus| Building U second floor | 3201 W. Pecan Blvd., McAllen, TX