We drive economic growth by attracting and growing local businesses and investing in entrepreneurship.

1200 Ash Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501

(T) 956-682-2871
(F) 956-687-2917

We engage business leaders, public officials and the community to foster an environment that will help grow and strengthen our economy.

1200 Ash Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501

(T) 956-682-2871
(F) 956-687-2917

We are dedicated to bringing you the resources and connections you need to grow your business today.

1200 Ash Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501

(T) 956-682-2871
(F) 956-687-2917

We create productive public and private partnerships while serving as a reliable source for McAllen’s tourism industry to boost the economy.

1200 Ash Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501

(T) 956-682-2871
(F) 956-687-2917

Stay up to date on what’s happening in the McAllen business community. The Chamber keeps you informed and puts a spotlight on the events and activities of our partners.

1200 Ash Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501

(T) 956-682-2871
(F) 956-687-2917

The McAllen Chamber of Commerce helps local businesses thrive by creating economic momentum, accelerating connections and enhancing the quality of life in the region.

1200 Ash Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501

(T) 956-682-2871
(F) 956-687-2917

The McAllen Chamber of Commerce connects businesses with key resources  to drive economic growth and community success

1200 Ash Avenue
McAllen, TX 78501

(T) 956-682-2871
(F) 956-687-2917


Government Affairs Council

The McAllen Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Council is comprised of local business leaders, board members and interested citizens who inform the Chamber’s stances on policy issues that affect the business community.

The GAC monthly meetings provide members the opportunity to meet and mingle with policy makers and engage civic leaders in meaningful dialogue surrounding key issues.

Latest GAC Meeting

TxDOT Commission Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr. Gives Update

More than 75 guests including city officials, stakeholders and community members gathered to hear Texas Department of Transportation Commission Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr during this week’s Government Affairs Council meeting at the McAllen Chamber.

Chairman Bugg illuminated the road ahead for the state’s burgeoning growth, specifically addressing the challenges and opportunities set to shape the Rio Grande Valley’s infrastructure.

Highlighting Texas’s population surge, Chairman Bugg unveiled there was an increase of over four million people from 2010-2020, and a projected 40 million residents by 2050. The statistics spotlight an urgent need for robust transportation infrastructure. He stated the Rio Grande Valley requires local and state coordination to gain greater significant to an already accelerated infrastructure of projects.

He reported on the groundbreaking approval of a $142 billion investment for Texas’ transportation infrastructure. The investment includes the adoption of the $100 billion 10-year statewide roadway construction plan with TxDOT for projects that will enhance safety, improve congestion and connectivity, and preserve Texas roadways. The figure is a $25 billion increase from the previous year.

Bugg also updated those in attendance on the merger of the Rio Grande Valley’s three Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) which signals a continued merger of power in the region. The Texas Transportation Commission’s approval of its Unified Transportation Program (UTP) announced that $3.6 billion will be allocated for the Valley – an increase of $500 in 2015. This will result in close to 70,000 jobs per year, but also affirms the state’s commitment to the Rio Grande Valley’s growth.   

To attend GAC meetings and receive weekly updates, please sign up for our newsletter.

Special Thank You to our GAC Sponsors

McAllen Citizens League

The McAllen Chamber of Commerce partners up with McAllen Citizens League to host meetings that provide educational, informative presentations and events covering current affairs.

This includes discussions on civic matters, history and other current topics. The organization is non-sectarian, non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates.

MCL meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month. Lunch is available for an additional fee.

To become McAllen Citizens League member, visit mcallencitizensleague.org or email info@mcallencitizensleague.org.

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