Business Name
McAllen Careers Institute
Owner Name or Names
Carlos Ivan Salinas and Jose Luis Adame.
Business Location
304 South Colonel Rowe Blvd, McAllen, Texas 78504.
What motivated you to start this business?
We saw the necessity and the potential of having a great vocational school where we could change student’s lives. Not everyone is made for a four-year college degree, so we wanted to give individuals the option of a trade school where they could receive there welding certificate or pipe-fitter certification. This would help individuals find a job.
What is the history of your business?
For the past 15 years, we have provided valuable education through skilled training to thousands of individuals.

What product/special services do you offer?
We offer welder specialist programs and pipe-fitter certification.
What makes your business product/service standout from the rest?
We are accredited by the Council on Occupational Education, the American Welding Society and the National Center for Construction Education & Research.
As a small business owner, what does business means to you?
Business means to us integrity, innovation, partnership and customer service. We want to be recognized by having the best students in the work field and that’s why we have a specific department for Careers services to follow up with the students after they graduate.
Are you involved in any initiatives that give back to the community? If so, please elaborate.
We work with high schools and award $500 scholarships to each graduating student that enrolls at Mcallen Careers Institute.